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Sir András Schiff


  • Sir András Schiff - piano
2 11 2024
Saturday 19.30

Sir András Schiff, a native of Budapest, is one of the greatest musicians on the classical scene today. Pianist, conductor and original thinker, Artist-in-Residence of the New York Philharmonic, and regular guest of such festivals as the BBC Proms and the Salzburger Festspiele. Through his performances of the complete Beethoven sonatas and the entire piano oeuvre of Johann Sebastian Bach, Joseph Haydn, Franz Schubert and also Béla Bartók, he has captured the imagination of audiences all over the world.He drew listeners with his singing tone, elegantly shaped phrases and exquisite contrapuntal detailing,” wrote the American daily Los Angeles Times.He cast a spell from which one could sense the entire hall subsequently awaken,” stated the British newspaper The Independent, describing the atmosphere at his concerts. András Schiff is planning a surprise for the opening concert of the Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival. Specially for his Prague audience he has pledged to perform music by Czech composers, however, he has decided not to inform listeners of the precise programme until the concert itself.For me, it is much more spontaneous to announce the programme on the spot and explain the works a little. This creates a connection with the audience, we are together to experience something. You have to respect and trust each other. The audience should believe that I will always present only the best works, as well prepared as possible. In return, I count on the sensitivity and high intelligence of my audience. In this manner – and there are other ideas – we can experience concerts in a new and refreshing way, concludes András Schiff, whose recital promises a unique and extraordinary experience.