Miroslav Sekera
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Miroslav Sekera


  • D. Scarlatti : Six Sonatas
  • L. van Beethoven: Sonáta Es dur „Les Adieux“ op. 81a
  • C. Debussy : Étude „pour les arpèges composés“
  • C. Debussy: Clair de Lune & The Joyful Island
  • R. Schumann : Kinderszenen Op. 15
  • B. Smetana : Concert etude "On the seashore",
  • B. Smetana: The Pleasant Countryside
  • B. Smetana: Macbeth and the Witches


  • Miroslav Sekera - piano
100 - 500
29 11 2018
Thursday 19.30

In 2002 Miroslav Sekera won the Johannes Brahms International Competition in Portschach, Austria. Prague Spring audience members still vividly recall his appearance with the violinist Josef Špaček, when they exchanged instruments for an encore, and Sekera played the violin brilliantly. A critic for the magazine Harmonie wrote the following about him: “Miroslav Sekera enchanted his listeners with his superbly prepared technique, his concentrated performance from start to finish, his modest appearance without unnecessary affectations on stage, but above all, his depth of his feeling and understanding for each work through which he spoke to his audience.”